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Family Devotions




Gather up two packages of instant pudding, and any extra ingredients you’ll need. Begin by making one pudding and adding objects that don’t belong. Let everyone make fun suggestions [glitter, shredded paper, flowers, etc.] Take turns stirring. Next, follow the directions and see if it turns out differently. Take turns using measuring cups to add the milk and stirring the ingredients. Once you have both puddings made, set them to the side and read the Bible passage and go through the questions below.


Isaiah 55:8-11


After you’ve read the Bible verse, ask each other the following questions:

· What happened when we put whatever we wanted into the pudding, instead of following the directions?

· What do you think happens when we follow our own way for our lives, instead of letting God be in control?

· How can we make sure we’re working to follow God’s ways instead of our own?

Fruit Taste Test


Pick out at least four different kinds of fruit (apple, orange, banana, pear, etc.). Have everyone blindfolded and then taste the fruit and try to guess which one they’re eating. You could even throw in different foods or even drinks to give everyone more of a challenge. Afterwards, huddle up and read the Bible story then go through the questions below.


Genesis 3:1-13, 23-24


After you’ve read the Bible verse, ask each other the following questions:

· Why is it hard to always be content with what we have?

· What are some ways that we might get into trouble if we’re always wanting things that we don’t have?

· When we’re tempted to do something we know we shouldn’t, or try to get something we know we don’t need, how can we remember to do what God wants us to do?

Chocolate Chip Pie


Use this recipe, gathering gather all the necessary ingredients (you could even make this a fun little family shopping outing.) Take an evening and make the desert together as a family. Encourage everyone to try a little of the bitter chocolate. Talk about how it’s really gross now, but with a little patience it will taste really yummy soon. While you wait for the pie to set up in the fridge, sit down together and read through the Bible story below, then go through the questions.


Exodus 32:1-35


After you’ve read the Bible verse, ask each other the following questions:

· When the Israelites weren’t patient, the results were pretty “bitter” to swallow. Can you think of a time when you weren’t patient for something and things didn’t turn out the way you had hoped?

· Why is it so had to wait for things, and how can we remember to be more patient and wait?



Gather up ingredients to bake some cookies. You can use this recipe, or make your own family favorite. Then find some extra big t-shirts, and pair up, having each pair put on one shirt together. (If you don’t have a shirt big enough at home, a thrift store or a dollar store is a good place to find an inexpensive one). Assign each pair something to do (either mixing, putting them on the pan, taking care of dirty dishes, etc.) Afterwards, huddle up and read the Bible verse below and go through the questions as you eat your yummy cookies. (You can do this still stuck together if you want, or you can separate back apart if everyone is tired of being in a shirt together.)


Proverbs 17:17


After you’ve read the Bible verse, ask each other the following questions:

· What was it like to try doing things while you were stuck to someone else?

· Why do you think God wants us to work with others, even when we might be really different than them?

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205 1st St NE Plainview MN 55964

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